
Annual Press Conference : Future strategies for inner-city development

This year’s annual press conference on March 10, 2021 was held under the shadow of the Covid-19 pandemic. What might the future orientation of the inner city look like? Can the principles of the Healthy City serve as a guideline? Or is the resilience of the city the new paradigm?  
Do other principles, such as the “compact city”, now have to be shelved? At any rate, urban development will have to reposition itself while simultaneously continuing to contribute to answering the major social and environmental questions of our age: How do we deal with the consumption of resources and with climate change? What goes to make a livable social city?

The chief principles of urban development must therefore be redefined, di
scussing them against the backdrop of the crisis and redeveloping project guidelines: in experimental projects on sustainability and extending the social infrastructure in HafenCity; in the form of a multi-dimensional integration strategy for all significant innovation measures in Grasbrook; further developed in Science City Hamburg Bahrenfeld with a focus on knowledge and the generation of knowledge-based innovation (also beyond urban development); and finally in Billebogen, combined with inner-city work locations in a compact and green form.

For more information, please go to HafenCity press area