
HafenCity Hamburg GmbH launches new website

HafenCity Hamburg GmbH has updated its corporate website and adapted the design to the demands of a modern communication platform. The new Internet presentation of more responsive and better integrated with HafenCity city’s other digital channels, LinkedIn, Xing and Vimeo. The design is clearer, more contemporary and better structured and fits well into HafenCity Hamburg GmbH’s overall digital world.
Users are front and center. They will now be able to find their way round the site more intuitively and find content relevant to them faster. Plans, outline maps, brochures and positions vacant are all just a few clicks away. At the same time, also addresses the major challenges for which cities and metropolitan areas bear a special responsibility today and in the future: How can central areas be developed as resource-efficiently as possible? How can we build in a way that conserves resources, and implement climate-neutral energy supply and low-car and low-CO2 mobility? And how can the idea of a socially just city become a reality? also addresses such profounder questions in an enjoyable and entertaining way. 

Care has taken that the new website also reflects what HafenCity Hamburg GmbH stands for. shows what drives HafenCity Hamburg GmbH, provides a better overview of its core responsibilities and offers faster access to the whole spectrum of activities of this municipal subsidiary.

HafenCity Hamburg GmbH is currently responsible for four major future projects in Hamburg that represent the entire spectrum of complex, highly ambitious and cooperative urban development. It acts on behalf of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg and in close cooperation with public and private stakeholders.